
Little Ways to Save the Environment that has a Big Impact


Let’s face it, humans have not been good guests of the planet throughout the years. In an effort to protect the environment and to preserve its natural resources, it is essential to become proactive towards having a cleaner practice. This should be followed in any application from product manufacturing, consumer electronic products and so on.

The key here isn’t entirely to stop consuming but to be mindful of the consumption habits and on how every action or purchase is impacting the ecosystem.

There’s still Hope

Fortunately, it is not that hard, inconvenient or expensive to be more eco-friendly. It could be a fun challenge actually to implement among colleagues or family.

Even with small changes at individual stage might appear trivial, simply think of how much cleaner Earth is going to be if everyone adopts a few of the simple changes below.


Composting is not getting enough attention but it has huge environmental implication. Simply speaking, composting is letting food as well as yard waste to naturally rot in soil rather than sending it straight to landfill.

It is a win-win situation to compost yard waste and food scraps. For one, it is able to keep great amount of trash away from waste stream while producing rich soil for free. In fact, there are some cities that are picking up organic waste along with regular trash and then, recycling pick up. If it happens that your area is not offering this kind of service, don’t worry, you can always set up low maintenance compost pile right in your backyard.

Go for Reusable Materials

Just try to think the number of people you see very day who drink from plastic bottle containers or disposable cups, the number of restaurants that are using disposable straws or even grocery stores that are using grocery bags. All of these one-time plastic use needs to go somewhere. Unfortunately, this is causing massive damage to life on earth from oceans, marine and soil.

Buy Secondhand

Believe it or not, over 700 gallons of water is needed to grow cotton and make a plain shirt. So rather than buying new clothes, it would not harm to consider checking out the thrift shop and make a purchase from there.
